Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ever Wondered If.......... ( Santa Claus was Real~)

Im sure u all know hu Santa Claus is... that fat jolly guy tat lives in the NOrth Pole n gives kids toys every Chirstmas... yeah... good O'saint Nick...

Now.. imagine he was real...
& he was living in the REAL World..
by REAL world i mean present day.. like 2006.. imagine him now...

1st off .. since Santa has been around since ... i dunno... since god was invented..
So by now.. he must be old as a fuckin dinosaur..

Poor Poor Santa...~

Imagine him.. so old.. n weak.. barely able to make it to the front door...
He lives in a cold n isolated place.. never to be found by civilisation.. n him.. staying there.. year after year after year... without ever having contact with the outside world... except for tat one day every year...

Imagine a race of Elves tat live in these Ice Caverns... making invisible toys for all yr round n forcing a poor.. old.. & weak man to deliver these gifts to children in every house of every town.. of every city ... of every country.. all in one endless night...

Imagine him sobbing & protesting to the Elves, hu unfortunately ...doesnt even speak his language, but converse in their own undistinguishable Tongue...begging them for him to be set free from their necromantic rituals of pleasing children around the world...

Imagine Santa.. tired... & in despair... feeling sorrowful & hopelessness...

He wanted to die...
but the Elves' magic kept him alive... kept him isolated from the world... onli letting him out once a year but would be fiercly guarded by 10 Harrowing Beast bred & raised by the Elves to transport him frm the Icy Depths of their hidden cave in the North Pole.. to the outside world...

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen & the most horrid of them all... Rudoph (the one with the "Red Nose")

THese 10 Beasts stood 12 metres high with grotesque features.. especially the one they so simply named.. "Rudoph the Red", the leader of the hideous pack... who's front horn was the size of a fully grown man & glowed with a nightmarish colour of Red ...

It can be seen miles away as he leads his pack of Diablolical Minions across the dark night skies... a glowing Red penetrating the icy winds.. Revealing the path ahead in an evil dim colour of Blood Red...

St. Nicholas envied Loki,
(who.. as punishment for his evil deeds..
was binded to 3 slabs of stone with a snake placed over his head so that its venom would pour onto him.. searing the GOd of Mischief's face...)

(hu betrayed Jeus n was Crucified)

& Prometheus...
(who rebelled against Zeus & as punishment, an Eagle of the Caucasus would tear at his flesh and clawed his liver.... Each night the torn flesh would mend & the Eagle would begin anew at the first touch of Dawn...)

For his punishment.. was much harsher....~

So every year.. on the 25th of December..... let us put the Joy of Chirstmas aside & mourn for
o'saint Nicholas... for he is just a poor poor man.. hu cannot live.. & cannot Die...

Think about this the next time u want to celebrate Xmas...
Imagine... if Santa was real.....

Ho ho ho~


Yukiwinter said...

-.-" u seem to enjoying making every happy ocasion a sad occasion ..LOL...

aaron said...

i hate religious holidays... tats all...~

Yukiwinter said...

so i guess u dun hate school holiday ??